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Our School

We welcome you to Global Missions Apostolic Network (GMAN) School of Ministry. God has raised up GMAN, which is a network of Pastors and Leaders, as an end-time apostolic instrument to impact the world with the Kingdom of God. Our divine mandate is to train, equip, and commission pastors and leaders at the School of Ministry to take the world for our God and His Christ!  Bring individual and global transformation through relevant information and impartation.

This School is not for profit. We seek to make training and equipping very affordable and accessible for individuals who are called by Jesus to the ministry. The duration of the classes is for six months with an additional month of practical implementation in one's local church. We attempt to give the students the necessary and relevant tools, in a short time frame, that they would need  to fulfill their calling and advance the kingdom of God. 

At graduation, in partnership with the local assemblies, we pray, impart and send the graduates to execute their divine assignment and to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28: 18-20).


If you would like to partner with us and support the School of Ministry, then please click on the donate button below. By doing so, you will be making it possible for one or more students in need to be trained for Ministry.


We have GMAN Schools of Ministry in Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia and Indonesia.

Please know that we love you. If we can be of any help to you, don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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Adult Students

Our School's Approach

To bring individual and global Transformation through relevant Information and Impartation.

School's Admission

We welcome every man and woman that God has called to the ministry.

What Defines Us?

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Gman's Vision 

GMAN's Vision is to advance the Kingdom of God globally by training and equipping men and women of God.

  • GMAN is not a denomination but a global network of Five Fold Ministry Gifts in relationship and fellowship. 

  • We recognize, train, equip and promote Five fold Ministry Gifts.

  • We train and equip local church leaders.

  • We place a special focus on women - To encourage and equip them for ministry.

  • We train and equip young people for the work of the ministry.

Our Strategy:     

  • Train and equip through personal mentoring.

  • Train and equip through conferences and seminars.

  • Train and equip through 'GMAN School of Ministry'.

  • Provide spiritual covering for pastors and churches that request it.

Classmates in Library

Gman's Mission

Here at GMAN and at our School of Ministry, our goal is to train, equip and send out men and women of God to win the nations for Christ.

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  • THE HOLY TRINITY: One Eternal God who is existent in three persons (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) – Matt.28: 19;  1 Tim. 3: 16; John 14: 16-17.

  • THE BIBLE: The Bible is the inspired, infallible and unadulterated Word of God, and is the sole authority that governs conduct – 2 Tim.3: 16.

  • SALVATION: All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Jesus died for our sins as our substitute. The only way that one can be saved is by confessing one's sins and accepting Christ as one's Lord and Savior – Rom.3: 23; Isa.53: 4-6; Jn.1: 12; Jn.14: 6; Jn.3: 16.

  • WATER BAPTISM: One must be water baptized after receiving Christ as Savior. It identifies the believer with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ–Mat.28: 19;Acts 2: 38; Rom.6:4                                                     

  • BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The baptism of the Holy Spirit is promised to every believer. The initial evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism is speaking in tongues (a heavenly language). The Holy Spirit baptism is accompanied with power for service – Acts 1: 8; Acts 2: 38; Acts 2: 1-4.

  • FIVE FOLD MINISTRY: God has given five people gifts to the church – Apostles,  Prophets, Pastors,Teachers, Evangelists –to equip the saints for the work of the ministry and to edify the church – Eph.4: 11-14.

  • GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: There are nine special gifts/supernatural abilities that the Holy Spirit has made available to the church so that the saints can build the kingdom through the demonstration of the power of God – 1 Cor. 12: 1, 4-11;1 Cor. 14: 1-33.

  • THE RETURN OF CHRIST: Jesus Christ is coming again. His return is sooner than we think. The saints, dead and alive will be caught up (raptured)to meet the Lord in the air and will be taken to heaven. The saints will then return with Christ at the battle of Armageddon, and will reign and  rule with Him on earth forever. 1 Thess.4: 16-17; Rev.19: 11-21; 20: 1-5        

  • ETERNAL JUDGEMENT: Those that have rejected Christ as their Lord and Savior will have to stand before God to be judged at the  ‘Great White Throne Judgment’. The ultimate penalty for sin is HELL/LAKE OF FIRE – Rev.20: 11-15.

  • MAKING DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS: We are called to preach the gospel of the kingdom and make disciples for the Christ in all the nations of the world.  This would hasten the return of the Christ. Mat. 24: 14; 19; Mat. 28: 18-20


God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. Would you like to give Him your life today? Just confess your sins and ask Jesus to come into your life RIGHT NOW.

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